Compared to products like mattresses or wheelchairs, seat cushions don’t get a lot of attention. But […]
Seniors have unique care needs, and the stresses of caring for an aging parent can be […]
Doctor discussing issue with elderly patient.
As individuals approach age 65, they can feel like they are in a tangle trying to […]
It has recently been suggested that you look into home health care for yourself or your […]
Knowing how to organize medication is essential for any caregiver. Medication mix-ups are far less likely […]
You are hitting close to 65 years old and realize that the Medicare date is pending. […]
If you’ve ever had major surgery, suffered a serious injury, or battled a major illness,  you […]
Sometimes, the most challenging things in life involve sad, necessary, and life-changing decisions. Such is the […]
Data shows that 77% of older adults say they want to stay in their home long-term […]
If you need long-term medical assistance or care as a senior, you typically have a couple […]