An ambulance was called and is en route to your home. Your spouse is frantically looking for your list of medications, or even worse, you cannot speak, and there is no one to give crucial medical information to the medical responders.  

This scenario plays out frequently in homes throughout the United States, but can be eliminated by having lifesaving medical information or a Vial of Life on-hand for an emergency.

What is a Vial of Life?

A Vial of Life is a program that is nationally recognized by emergency medical responders and contains vital information needed in an emergency.

A typical kit comes with stickers for your window and a list of prompts to help you know what information to include in your kit. The data will then be placed in a convenient location for easy access.

Vial of Life Is Nationally Recognized

After the Streator, Illinois fire department responded to emergency calls, they would find themselves frantically looking through the patient’s home. They would dig through purses, wallets, and the cabinets of the patient, trying to find vital information to care for and transport the patient. Critical time was lost as they searched for clues to assist the patient further.

The time wasted in looking is often the most critical, the first hour after an emergency. The medical team refers to this as the Golden hour. Instead of treating and transporting, the responders were searching. So, in 2016 the Chief of that department came up with an excellent idea; the Vial of Life. It is now a nationally recognized program.

“The Vial of Life is designed to speak for you when you can’t speak for yourself. The vial contains important medical information that can assist emergency personnel in administering the proper medical treatment.”

-Alameda County Fire Department

Vial of Life Kits

Once you receive your Vial of Life Kit, you will find that it contains a form with prompts for you to fill out important information.

It will also have a container or a plastic sleeve to put the data into as well as stickers to place on your home window and automobile window, which is a recognized sign that you have a Vial of Life.

Vial of Life Form

The Vial of Life form is the information needed for an emergency. L.I.F.E. stands for Lifesaving Information for Emergencies, and this form will contain the required information. This form will prompt you to answer the questions about your medical concerns.

It has you fill out questions such as are you a full code or a D.N.R.? Do you have any allergies? What medications and dosages are you currently taking, and what are your past and current medical conditions? It will have a basic description of you, your weight, height, eye color, and hair color, so if you cannot speak, you will be easily identified.

Additionally, the form includes blood type, dentures or natural teeth, hearing or vision difficulties, and primary language. The document also has important information like who to contact in an emergency and your physicians’ names and phone numbers.

It ends with any special instructions that an emergency responder may need to know. This information can be the difference between life and death during that golden hour preceding the ambulance call.


Vial of Life Containers

The Vial of Life kit has a plastic sleeve or clear container with a red cap, and both are clearly marked. The plastic sleeve is taped to the front of the fridge, and the plastic bottle is placed on the top shelf of your refrigerator, a simple, familiar spot that saves valuable time in an emergency.

Where to get a Vial of Life Kit

There are many places to get a Vial of Life Kit. Many fire departments will have them to give away for free. Another option is to contact the Northeast District Department of Health (N.D.D.H.) either print the downloadable documents or call a phone number to get your free kit. You can also purchase kits online at the Vial of Life Website or get a five-pack set from Amazon. The Vial of Life Kit is easy to buy for a small fee or get for free.

No matter where you choose to get your Vial of Life kit, the most important is to get one, fill it out and place it in an easily recognized area. This simple measure can be the difference between life or death or added stress on your loved one as they try to answer difficult questions during a stressful time.



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